ICD-10-CM-tabular April 1 2023

Arthropod-borne viral fevers and viral hemorrhagic fevers (A90-A99)

  1. A90  Dengue fever [classical dengue] Excludes1: dengue hemorrhagic fever (A91)
  2. A91  Dengue hemorrhagic fever
  3. A92  Other mosquito-borne viral fevers Excludes1: Ross River disease (B33.1) A92.0 Chikungunya virus disease Chikungunya (hemorrhagic) fever A92.1 O’nyong-nyong fever A92.2 Venezuelan equine fever Venezuelan equine encephalitis
    Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus disease A92.3 West Nile virus infection West Nile fever A92.30 West Nile virus infection, unspecified West Nile fever NOS
    West Nile fever without complications West Nile virus NOS A92.31 West Nile virus infection with encephalitis West Nile encephalitis
    West Nile encephalomyelitis

A92.32 West Nile virus infection with other neurologic manifestation Use additional code to specify the neurologic manifestation

A92.39 West Nile virus infection with other complications Use additional code to specify the other conditions

A92.4 Rift Valley fever

A92.5 Zika virus disease

Zika virus fever Zika virus infection

Zika NOS

Excludes1: congenital Zika virus disease (P35.4) A92.8 Other specified mosquito-borne viral fevers A92.9 Mosquito-borne viral fever, unspecified

  1. A93  Other arthropod-borne viral fevers, not elsewhere classified A93.0 Oropouche virus disease Oropouche fever A93.1 Sandfly fever Pappataci fever Phlebotomus fever A93.2 Colorado tick fever A93.8 Other specified arthropod-borne viral fevers Piry virus disease
    Vesicular stomatitis virus disease [Indiana fever]
  2. A94  Unspecified arthropod-borne viral fever Arboviral fever NOS Arbovirus infection NOS
  3. A95  Yellow fever
    A95.0 Sylvatic yellow fever
    Jungle yellow fever A95.1 Urban yellow fever A95.9 Yellow fever, unspecified
  4. A96  Arenaviral hemorrhagic fever A96.0 Junin hemorrhagic fever Argentinian hemorrhagic fever A96.1 Machupo hemorrhagic fever Bolivian hemorrhagic fever A96.2 Lassa fever
    A96.8 Other arenaviral hemorrhagic fevers A96.9 Arenaviral hemorrhagic fever, unspecified

A98 Other viral hemorrhagic fevers, not elsewhere classified Excludes1: chikungunya hemorrhagic fever (A92.0)

dengue hemorrhagic fever (A91)

A98.0 Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever

Central Asian hemorrhagic fever

A98.1 Omsk hemorrhagic fever A98.2 Kyasanur Forest disease A98.3 Marburg virus disease

A98.4 Ebola virus disease

A98.5 Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome

Epidemic hemorrhagic fever
Korean hemorrhagic fever
Russian hemorrhagic fever
Hantaan virus disease
Hantavirus disease with renal manifestations Nephropathia epidemica

Songo fever

Excludes1: hantavirus (cardio)-pulmonary syndrome (B33.4) A98.8 Other specified viral hemorrhagic fevers

A99 Unspecified viral hemorrhagic fever

ชื่อโรค ภาวะ ภาษาไทย

ไข้เลือดออก ,อีโบล่า,ซิก้า,ไข้เหลือง

Kijakarn Junda

Thaihealth team leader

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