ICD-10-CM-tabular April 1 2023

Pediculosis, acariasis and other infestations (B85-B89)

  1. B85  Pediculosis and phthiriasis B85.0 Pediculosis due to Pediculus humanus capitis Head-louse infestation B85.1 Pediculosis due to Pediculus humanus corporis Body-louse infestation B85.2 Pediculosis, unspecified B85.3 Phthiriasis Infestation by crab-louse Infestation by Phthirus pubis B85.4 Mixed pediculosis and phthiriasis Infestation classifiable to more than one of the categories B85.0-B85.3
  2. B86  Scabies Sarcoptic itch
  3. B87  Myiasis Includes: infestation by larva of flies B87.0 Cutaneous myiasis Creeping myiasis B87.1 Wound myiasis

Traumatic myiasis

B87.2 Ocular myiasis
B87.3 Nasopharyngeal myiasis

Laryngeal myiasis

B87.4 Aural myiasis
B87.8 Myiasis of other sites

B87.81 Genitourinary myiasis B87.82 Intestinal myiasis B87.89 Myiasis of other sites

B87.9 Myiasis, unspecified

  1. B88  Other infestations B88.0 Other acariasis Acarine dermatitis
    Dermatitis due to Demodex species Dermatitis due to Dermanyssus gallinae Dermatitis due to Liponyssoides sanguineus Trombiculosis Excludes2: scabies (B86) B88.1 Tungiasis [sandflea infestation] B88.2 Other arthropod infestations Scarabiasis B88.3 External hirudiniasis Leech infestation NOS Excludes2: internal hirudiniasis (B83.4) B88.8 Other specified infestations Ichthyoparasitism due to Vandellia cirrhosa Linguatulosis
    Porocephaliasis B88.9 Infestation, unspecified Infestation (skin) NOS Infestation by mites NOS Skin parasites NOS
  2. B89  Unspecified parasitic disease

ชื่อโรค ภาวะ ในภาษาไทย


Kijakarn Junda

Thaihealth team leader

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